Browsing by Subject "gender"

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  • Downes, Julia; Kelly, Liz; Westmarland, Nicole (Centre for Gender and Violence Research 2019 University of Bristol, 2019)
    Over the past ten years the theoretical framework of ‘coercive control’ has been increasingly applied, critiqued and now underpins a criminal offence. While many argue that it more accurately reflects experiences of ...
  • : Walby, Sylvia; Towers, Jude (Centre for Gender and Violence Research, University of Bristol, 2017-05)
    This article aims to mainstream gender into the measurement of violence, in order to assist the development of the theory of change needed to support actions to end violence. It addresses the division between gender-neutral ...
  • Medie, Peace A.; Kang, Alice J. (Bristol University Press, 2018-07)
    Critical feminists have argued that research on women and gender is not sufficiently 'global' in its representation of scholars and perspectives. We draw on these works to argue that the scholarship on women, gender and ...
  • Willis, Malachi; Marcantonio, Tiffany L. (Oxford University Press, 2021)
    Background Sexual assault is a pervasive problem in the UK, and young women are disproportionately affected. We sought to provide an initial account of sexual consent norms in the UK and whether they differ by gender and ...

Saili Sadil


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