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NUS Pandemic Plan : Preparedness and Response plan

Show simple item record Fune, Tupa'i Ierome 2021-12-07T00:38:05Z 2021-12-07T00:38:05Z 2020-02-23
dc.identifier.uri ${sadil.baseUrl}/handle/123456789/1461
dc.description 11 p. & 1 p. en_US
dc.description.abstract The National University of Samoa (NUS) is Samoa's national university institution, the second university and tertiary education or post secondary educational provider on island, while the USP School of Agriculture the first university as part of the regional university located in Apia, capital of Samoa. With the spread of the Measles disease in Samoa and the explosion of the Coronavirus ( Covid 19 ) pandemic in the world since January 2020, Samoa was quick to react and locked itself from all international flights. Our government went into lockdown in March and continues to do so for the next six months so as to protect our country from the onslaught impact of the disease in the world. The country and many of its ministries and institutions began to develop pandemic plans such as this Report. In it, our HR and GPP have tried to specify what the University should be doing in the likely event of the Covid 19 disease making its way to our community and place of learning. NUS RADIO PANDEMIC PLAN The online radio platform is able provide each of the 9 faculties and centres a designated online stream for the purpose of providing course audio content. Our RF currently has limited reach however our online platform can be accessed from anywhere around the world and is the preferred medium to deliver audio content for NUS courses. How to access NUS Radio Online - NUS students to download the radio app through apple store and play store. The app is called “listen2myradio” - The app can also be downloaded through QR code - Launch the app and type the name of the programme e.g “nusfos” in search area, and this will direct all Faculty of Science students to listen to their particular courses the same goes for other faculties and centers. ROLLOUT List of Faculties and Centers Online Codes Faculty of Arts nusfoa Faculty of Science nusfos Faculty of Business and Entrepreneurship nusfobe Faculty of Technical Education nusfote Faculty of Education nusfoe Faculty of Health Science nusfohs Center for Samoan Studies nuscss School of Maritime nussom Oloamanu Center nusoloamanu SCHEDULING Lecturers who wish to use the platform can record their talks on their personal phones or laptops and send it to the nus gmail account along with information about the Name of the Course and the Programme. The courses audio have to be sent at least a day before the broadcast to give time for scheduling on the system. We will inform the lecturer of the time slot for course to be aired so they can inform their students to listen in. A notification from the radio app will be sent out to all NUS students to remind them of the courses that are going to be broadcast. en_US
dc.description.sponsorship NUS Chancellery & Multimedia en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher HR & GPP - National University of Samoa en_US
dc.subject Policy and planning - National University of Samoa en_US
dc.subject Pandemic - plans en_US
dc.subject State of Emergency plans - Samoa en_US
dc.subject Disease and disaster - plans - Samoa en_US
dc.subject NUS Radio - pandemic plan en_US
dc.title NUS Pandemic Plan : Preparedness and Response plan en_US
dc.type Plan or blueprint en_US

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