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Addressing Well-being, Burnout, and Professional Fulfillment in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Trainees During the COVID-19 Pandemic Through Implementation of a Virtual Balint-Like Group: a Pilot Study

Show simple item record Chochol, Megan D. Pease, Eric Swintak, Cosima 2021-12-10T04:06:11Z 2021-12-10T04:06:11Z 2021
dc.identifier.citation Chochol, M.D., Pease, E., Swintak, C. et al. Addressing Well-being, Burnout, and Professional Fulfillment in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Trainees During the COVID-19 Pandemic Through Implementation of a Virtual Balint-Like Group: a Pilot Study. Acad Psychiatry 45, 581–586 (2021). en_US
dc.identifier.uri ${sadil.baseUrl}/handle/123456789/1669
dc.description 6 p. ; PDF en_US
dc.description.abstract Objective Physicians, including psychiatrists and psychiatry trainees, are at higher risk of burnout compared to the average working population. The COVID-19 pandemic heightens this risk. This pilot aims to enhance professional fulfillment and support while decreasing risk and prevalence of burnout in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (CAP) trainees through virtual delivery of a Balint-like group incorporating brief emotional awareness modules. Methods Six CAP trainees participated. Eight 60-min sessions held every 2 weeks were co-facilitated by a psychologist and psychiatrist who developed the curricular content. Five of the eight semi-structured sessions combined a brief emotional awareness enhancing module with a Balint-based approach to case review. The authors assessed trainee well-being, professional fulfillment, and sense of professional support pre- and post-intervention with the Well-being Index (WBI), Stanford Professional Fulfillment Index (PFI), and the authors’ own supplemental survey. Descriptive statistics were reported. Results Trainees found the curriculum feasible and useful. Surveys showed a reduction in burnout from three to zero participants(p = 0.03) and specific improvements in enthusiasm (p = 0.013), empathy with colleagues (p = 0.093), and connectedness with colleagues (p = 0.007) and patients (p = 0.042) at work. There were also improvements in happiness (p = 0.042) and valued contributions at work (p = 0.004). Conclusions A novel well-being curriculum focused on combining brief emotional awareness enhancing modules with a Balintlike approach enhances professional fulfillment and a sense of professional support and decreases the risk and prevalence of burnout, even when delivered virtually to a group of CAP fellows. Results support the planned expansion of this low-cost, high value intervention for trainee well-being en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Academic Psychiatry en_US
dc.subject Virtual Balint en_US
dc.subject Trainee en_US
dc.subject Psychiatry . en_US
dc.subject Curriculum en_US
dc.title Addressing Well-being, Burnout, and Professional Fulfillment in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Trainees During the COVID-19 Pandemic Through Implementation of a Virtual Balint-Like Group: a Pilot Study en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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