Journal Articles: Recent submissions

  • McLaughlin, Katrina; Muldoon, Orla T.; Moutray, Marianne (Elsevier, 2009-08)
    The current worldwide nursing shortage and high attrition of nursing students remain a challenge for the nursing profession. The aim of this paper was to investigate how key psychological attributes and constructions ...
  • Anthony, Ann Strong (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2004)
    Gender bias in nursing education impedes recruitment and retention of males into the profession. Nurse educators who are unaware of men’s historical contributions to the profession may unknowingly perpetuate gender bias. ...
  • Salminen, Leena; Stolt, Minna; Saarikoski, Mikko (Elsevier, 2009-11)
    In Europe, there have been reforms in nursing education during last years and many political papers have been published. The reforms have given need for harmonising nursing education. In spite of that, there are differences ...
  • Bond, Mary Ellen (Journal of Nursing Education, 2009-03)
    Shame is identified as a universal dynamic in education. Brain-based learning theory suggests negative emotions like shame have a powerfully detrimental effect on learning. Shame theory may explain why students have ...
  • Salsali, Mahvash (Bio-Med Central, 2005-07)
    Background: The main objective of this study was to determine the perceptions of Iranian nurse educators and students regarding the evaluation of teaching effectiveness in university-based programs. Methods: An exploratory ...
  • Bednarz, Hedi; Schim, Stephanie; Doorenbos, Ardith (National Institute of Nursing Research Grant, 2010-05)
    Increasing diversity in the classroom challenges nursing educators to identify issues that complicate teaching (perils), analyze barriers for themselves and their students (pitfalls), and select new strategies for working ...
  • Pijl-Zieber, Em M.; Barton, Sylvia; Konkin, Jill (Elsevier, 2013)
    The language of competence is widely utilized in both the regulation of nursing practice and curricular design in nursing education. The notion of competence defines what it means to be a professional, although it is not ...
  • Zabalegui, Adelaida; Macia, Loreto; M´arquez, Josefa (SIGMA THETA TAU INTERNATIONAL., 2006)
    To provide an overview of changes in nursing education in the European Union (EU) within the framework of the Bologna Declaration, signed in 1999 by the European ministers of education, and to describe specific efforts and ...
  • Clark, Colette M.; Kane, Deborah J.; Rajacich, Dale (ResearchGate, 2012)
    Although a limited number of studies have focused on bullying in nursing education to date, all of those studies demonstrate the existence of bullying in clinical settings, where nursing students undertake a signifi cant ...
  • Levett-Jones, Tracy; Lathlean, Judith; Maguire, (Elsevier, 2007)
    Clinical experience is recognised as central to nursing education. Quality clinical placements across a range of venues are vital to the development of competent and confident professionals. However there is evidence, ...
  • Zygmont, Dolores M.; Schaefer, Karen Moore (Nursing Education Perspective, 2006)
    The purpose of this study was twofold: to determine the critical thinking skills of nurse faculty and to examine the relationship between epistemological position and critical thinking. Most participants reported having ...
  • Fitzgerald, Cynthia; Kantrowitz-Gordon, Ira; Katz, Janet (Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2012)
    Nursing education programs may face significant difficulty as they struggle to prepare sufficient numbers of advanced practice registered nurses to fulfill the vision of helping to design an improved US healthcare system ...
  • Mukhalalat, Banan Abdulrzaq; Taylor, Andrea (SAGE, 2019)
    Adult learning theories play a pivotal role in the design and implementation of education programs, including healthcare professional programs. There is a variation in the use of theories in healthcare professional education ...
  • Clark, Cynthia M; Springer, Pamela J. (2010-03)
    Academic incivility is disruptive behavior that substantially or repeatedly interferes with teaching and learning. Incivility on college campuses jeopardizes the welfare of all members of the academy. Academic nurse leaders ...
  • Adhikar, Radha; Tocher, Jennifer; Smith, Pam (Elsevier, 2013)
    Medication management is a complex multi-stage and multi-disciplinary process, involving doctors, pharmacists, nurses and patients. Errors can occur at any stage from prescribing, dispensing and administering, to recording ...
  • Sawatzky, Jo-Ann V.; Enns, Carol L. (Elsevier, 2009)
    A shortage of nursing faculty is imminent. Factors contributing to this looming crisis include the aging professoriate, as well as a host of recruitment and retention issues. Mentoring programs enhance recruitment, promote ...
  • Larson, Kristine E.; Pas, Elise T.; Bradshaw, Catherine P. (National Association of School Psychologists, 2018)
    . The discipline gap between White students and African American students has increased demand for teacher training in culturally responsive and behavior management practices. Extant research, however, is inconclusive about ...
  • Tilburta, Jon C; Kaptchuk, Ted J (World Health Organization, 2008)
    Governments, international agencies and corporations are increasingly investing in traditional herbal medicine research. Yet little literature addresses ethical challenges in this research. In this paper, we apply concepts ...
  • Coughlin, Steven S.; Ekwueme, Donatus U. (Elsevier, 2009)
    Public health data indicate that the global burden of breast cancer in women, measured by incidence, mortality, and economic costs, is substantial and on the increase. Worldwide, it is estimated that more than one million ...
  • Fidler, David P. (Council on Foreign Relations, 2010)
    Three crises in 2009 revealed the inadequacy of global health governance. The outbreak of pandemic influenza A (H1N1) found countries scrambling for access to vaccines, an unseemly process that led the World Health ...

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