Journal Articles: Recent submissions

  • Carson, Mike T (National Museum of Prehistory, Taiwan, 2014)
    The archaeology of Samoa relates to two key points in Asia-Pacific culture history that may or may not be inter-connected. First, the Samoan islands are situated near the eastern limit of the Austronesian Lapita-associated ...
  • Minster, Ryan L; Hawley, Nicola L; Ting Su, Chi; Sefuiva Reupena, Muagututi'a; Viali, Dr. Satupa'itea; (Nature American Inc., 2016-07-25)
    Samoans are a unique founder population with a high prevalence of obesity1–3, making them well suited for identifying new genetic contributors to obesity4. We conducted a genome-wide association study (GWAS) in 3,072 ...
  • Kamble, V T.; Raj, Hans; Sangeeta (DESIDOC, 2012-09)
    In this era of transition from information age to knowledge society, the libraries have much greater challenges to face. The whole perception of library has now changed from collection of books to a single window knowledge ...
  • Land, Mary-Anne; Webster, Jacqui L; Ma, Gary; Li, Mu; Faletoese Su'a, Sarah A; Ieremia, Merina; Viali, Satu; Faeamani, Gavin; Bell, A. Colin; Quested, Christine; Neal, Bruce C; Eastman, Creswell J (George Institute for Global Health, 2015)
    The objective of this study was to determine iodine nutrition status and whether iodine status differs across salt intake levels among a sample of women aged 18-45 years living in Samoa. A cross-sectional survey was completed ...
  • Chen, Xiaojun; Li, Yang; Xu, Lu; Sun, Yi; Politis, Constantinus; Jiang, Xiaoyi (Informa UK Limited, Taylor & Francis., 2021)
    In traditional orthognathic surgery, the dental splint technique is typically used to assist surgeons to reposition the maxilla or mandible. However, the design and manufacturing of dental splints is time-consuming and ...
  • Toofaninejad, Ehsan; Zaraii Zavaraki, Esmaeil; Dawson, Shane (Routledge, 2017)
    The pedagogical benefits of the social media may be most pronounced when they impact groups of learners who are at a disadvantage in conventional face-to-face contexts. Among such disadvantaged groups are the deaf or hard ...
  • Quintus, Seth; Clark, Jeffrey T; Day, Stephanie S; Schwert, Donald P (University of Hawai'i Press, 2016)
    This study summarizes the impacts of geomorphological processes on human settlement strategies on the island of Ofu in the Samoan Archipelago from island colonization to permanent settlement in the interior uplands (c. ...
  • Clark, Jeffrey T; Quintus, Seth; Weisler, Marshall; Pierre, Emma St; Nothdurft, Luke; Feng, Yuexing (Elsevier Ltd, 2016)
    The timing and unprecedented speed of the Lapita migration from the western edge of Oceania to western Polynesia in the Central Pacific have long been of interest to archaeologists. The eastern-most extent of that great ...
  • Cochrane, Ethan E; Rieth, Timothy M (Oceania Publications, 2016)
    We summarise previous provenance research of Samoan lithic and ceramic artefacts, noting the timing and relative frequency of artefact transfers. Our summary suggests few intra and extra-archipelago artefact transfers for ...
  • Linhart, Christine; Naseri, Take; Lin, Sophia (2017)
    The island country of Samoa (population 188,000 in 2011) forms part of Polynesia in the South Pacific. Over the past several decades Samoa has experienced exceptional modernization and globalization of many sectors of ...
  • De Francisci Morales, Gianmarco (Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2015)
    Samoa (Scalable Advanced Massive Online Analysis) is a platform for mining big data streams. It provides a collection of distributed streaming algorithms for the most common data mining and machine learning tasks such as ...
  • Fosi Palaamo, Alesana (Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 2018)
    A Samoan research methodological framework called Tafatolu (threesides) involves the synthesis of three key parts considered as valuable to any research – a contemporary academic approach to research, a cultural approach, ...
  • Sand, Christophe (Journal of Samoan Studies, 2006)
    The traditional connections between Samoa in Western Polynesia and the neighbouring archipelagos of Fiji, Tonga and the Cook islands have long been recognized, through a series of in-depth studies. But surprisingly little ...
  • Misra, Anoop; Gopalan, Hema; Jayawardena, Ranil; (Wiley Journal of Diabetes, 2019)
    There has been a rapid escalation of type 2 diabetes (T2D) in developing countries, with varied prevalence according to rural vs urban habitat and degree of urbanization. Some ethnic groups (eg, South Asians, other Asians, ...
  • Gosling, William D.; Sear, David A.; Hassall, Jonathan D; (John Wiley Journal of Biogeography, 2020)
    To track the peopling of the South Pacific and assess their impact on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Location: Upolu, Samoa. Taxon: Terrestrial and aquatic plants. Methods: A sedimentary record covering the last c. ...
  • Twining-Ward, Louise; Butler, Richard (Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 2002)
    .Small island states presen ta significant challenge interms of sustainable tourism development.On small island there are limited resources, economic and social activities tend to be concentrated on the coastal zone, and ...
  • Singh, Gurmeet; Pathak, R.D.; Naz, Rafia (International Journal of Emerging Markets, 2010-04)
    The purpose of this paper is to scrutinize the issues, challenges, and impediments coming in the way of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) internationalization in small developing nations of South Pacific like Fiji ...
  • McCosker, Anthony; Teh, Zoe; Savic, Milovan; (Swineburne University of Technology, 2019)
    This report evaluates the design and development of a prototype Peer Support Platform that aimed to address the information, linkages and capacity (ILC) building needs of people with low vision and blindness. Consistent ...
  • Paun, Akash; Sargeant, Jess; Nice, Alex (Institute for Government, 2020-05)
    The coronavirus crisis has required a co-ordinated response between the UK and devolved governments. The devolved governments of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are responsible for key public services affected by the ...
  • Quintus, Seth J. (Archael. Oceania, 2012)
    Samoan terrestrial production is vastly under researched archaeologically and few projects explicitly explore such a topic. this paper reports a food production system found in the interior of Olosega island, one of three ...

Saili Sadil


O a'u faʻamatalaga