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How do Pacific Island countries add up on contraception, abortion and reproductive coercion.

Show simple item record Dawson, Angela Ekeroma, Alec Wilson, Donald 2021-12-01T19:37:12Z 2021-12-01T19:37:12Z 2021
dc.identifier.citation en_US
dc.identifier.uri ${sadil.baseUrl}/handle/123456789/930
dc.description 9 pages : PDF en_US
dc.description.abstract The Guttmacher‑Lancet Commission report on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights called for the acceleration of progress to achieve SRHR that is essential for sustainable development. To integrate the essential services defined in this report into universal health coverage in the 11 sovereign nations in the Pacific, quality data is required to ensure needs are met efficiently and equitably. However, there are no comprehensive reports for Pacific Island countries that provide insight into all areas of SRHR. We collated the latest literature to identify the most up‑to‑date relevant data from United Nations and Guttmacher Institute reports to discern gaps in SRHR information and services relating to contraception, abortion and reproductive coercion. Investment is urgently required to strengthen health information systems for SRHR in the Pacific. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher BioMed Central en_US
dc.subject Reproductive health, Pacific Islands, Health information. en_US
dc.title How do Pacific Island countries add up on contraception, abortion and reproductive coercion. en_US
dc.title.alternative Guidance from the Guttmacher report on investing in sexual and reproductive health. en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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