Using various approaches to identify English language learners, several Pacific Region jurisdictions are developing English language proficiency standards and assessments aligned with those standards. Others are working on content standards, including language arts, and have expressed interest in developing English language proficiency standards but lack formal assessment mechanisms. Title I of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 requires that all students in a school, including English language learners, take the same state academic assessments in reading/language arts, mathematics, and science beginning with school year 2007/08. This mandate is of special concern to the Regional Educational Laboratory for the Pacific Region (REL Pacific), because all jurisdictions within its service region have large numbers of English language learners or limited English proficiency students in their school systems. Although English is used as a language of instruction in schools across the region, each jurisdiction has an official language or languages other than English. Children often do not receive sustained exposure to English until they begin formal schooling.