The focus of the study was to identify and describe environmental preconceptions held by preservice elementary teachers about three issues: greenhouse effect, ozone layer depletion, and acid rain. One . hundred and thirteen junior or senior level elementary education majors enrolled in science methods courses at a large Midwestern university participated in this study. A 29-question survey was created by one of the authors. The question focused on the causes, effects, and interactions of three environmental issues, greenhouse effect, ozone layer depletion, and acid rain. Students answered the questions on a Likert Scale. Students were invited to explain their answers in the space provided below each question. In addition, five students agreed to an in-depth follow up interview to further explore their knowledge level and preconceptions. An analysis of the survey data indicates that the majority of preservice elementary teachers possess an array of incorrect ideas about the causes and effects of the greenhouse effect, ozone layer depletion, and acid rain. Recommendations are made for changes in the preparation of preservice elementary teachers to address the deficiencies identified in this study. (Contains 24 references.) (Author/YDS)