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Isolation of Bacteria with Purifying Potential and Application in the Treatment of Effluents from an Artisanal Palm Oil Mill in the Littoral Region of Cameroon

Show simple item record Djien Nyami Félicité1, Noubou Takam Daïna1, Fobasso Tagnikeu Roméo1, Tcheugoue Styve Joël1, Njicoumbe Fatima1, Ndzobo Ndzana Joël1, Kuessie Yanick1, Bella Josiane1, Foncha Felix2, Emmanuel Mpondo Mpondo3, Véronique Penlap Beng4, Tavea Fréderic Marie1* 2021-12-12T07:46:21Z 2021-12-12T07:46:21Z 2021
dc.identifier.uri ${sadil.baseUrl}/handle/123456789/2080
dc.title Isolation of Bacteria with Purifying Potential and Application in the Treatment of Effluents from an Artisanal Palm Oil Mill in the Littoral Region of Cameroon
dc.type Journal

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