Equitable sharing of benefits from pharmacological development of biodiversity has been the topic of much discussion, but few concrete examples of recent plant-derived pharmaceuticals exist. The discovery of prostratin as an anti-viral phorbol isolated from healer preparations of the rain forest tree Homalanthus nutans in Samoa illustrates the importance of careful liaison between western scientists and indigenous leaders. evelopment of prostratin as an anti-AIDS drug candidate was based on a carefully egotiated covenant between the chiefs and orators of Falealupo village and western researchers, with the concurrence of the Samoan Prime Minister and members of arliament. Since, like all drug candidates, potential commercial development of prostratin till remains uncertain, the case of prostratin indicates the importance of providing benefits o indigenous peoples in advance of royalty or license income. To date, over US$ 480,000 have been supplied to Falealupo village for schools, medical clinics, water supplies, trails, an aerial rain forest canopy walkway, and an endowment for the rain forest based on the Falealupo Covenant. And, in August 2001 the AIDS Research Alliance (ARA) signed an agreement with the Prime Minister of Samoa guaranteeing a total of 20% of all ARA rofits from the development of prostratin to be returned to Samoa.