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Browsing Report (Technical) by Title

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  • Unknown author (UNESCO, 2022)
    This, the fifth Global Report on Adult Learning and Education (GRALE), is also the final monitoring report on the Belém Framework for Action (BFA), the outcome document of the sixth International Conference on Adult Education ...
  • Kane, Gerald C.; Palmer, Doug; Phillips, Anh Nguyen (MIT Sloan Management Review, 2019-06)
    For the past five years, MIT Sloan Management Review and Deloitte1 have investigated digital maturity, focusing on the organizational aspects of digital disruption rather than the technological ones. We’ve examined companies ...
  • Kane, Gerald C; Palmer, Doug; Phillips, Anh Nguyen (MIT Sloan Management Review, 2017-07)
    Adapting to increasingly digital market environments and taking advantage of digital technologies to improve operations are important goals for nearly every contemporary business. Yet, few companies appear to be making the ...
  • Hunger, Carolyn (Wiscousin State Dept, 1886-05)
    Acid rain is a complex, worldwide enviromnental problem. This study guide is intended to aid teachers of grades 4-12 to help their-students understand what acid rain is, why it is a problem, and what possible solutions ...
  • A. Schilirc, Sharon (National Wildlife Federation, Washington, 1985)
    This guide on acid rain for elementary and secondary students is divided into three study areas: (1) What Causes Acid Rain; (2) What Problems Acid Rain Has Created; (3) How You and Your Students Can Help Combat Acid Rain. ...
  • Postel, Sandra (Worldwatch Institute, washington, 1984-03)
    This book traces centuries of human use andabUse of forest ecosystems by discussing past decades of intense burning, grazing, and timber cutting that added to the natural acidification of the soil. Air pollutants and acids ...
  • Thrum (1906)
  • United States Government Accountability Office, Washington, D.C. (U S Government - GAO; Washington, D.C., 2004-12)
    American Samoa, a U.S. territory, relies on federal funding to support government operations and deliver critical services. The Secretary of the Interior has administrative responsibility for coordinating federal policy ...
  • INASP (International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications (INASP)., 2014-04)
  • Ale-Molioo, Mulipola Anarosa (Ministry of Finance, Government of Samoa., 2021-09-14)
    As required under Standing Order 131, it is my great honor to present to the House the first Statement on the Estimates for the fiscal year 2021/22 on behalf of the Government – the first for the FAST Political Party. ...
  • Schoeffel, Penelope; Magbity, Madda; Temese, Seiuli Vaifou; Sa'u, Alovale; Sahib, Mohammed (2014-11-20)
    In relation to the issues outlined above, a small research project was designed by staff and postgraduate students of the National University of Samoa in 2015. It aimed to review the evidence (summarised above) on infant ...
  • Ombudsman NHRI Samoa (Office of the Ombudsman National Human Rights Institution Samoa, 2017)
  • Young, Wairarapa J. (Samoa Meteorology Division, 2007-03)
    The likelihood (i.e. probability) components of climate-related risks in Samoa are evaluated for both present day and future conditions. Present day conditions are described using data for Apia and, for some parameters, ...
  • Unknown author (Commonwealth of Learning (COL), 2015)
    Summarises COL's activities and captures what was achieved during 2012-2015 in Samoa. This country report is an excerpt from the volume "COL in the Commonwealth 2012-2015: Country Reports"
  • Bedford, Richard; Burson, Bruce; Bedford, Charlotte (United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, 2014-08)
  • Governance, NUS Policy & Planning. ed. (National University of Samoa, Apia., 2021)
    This Corporate Plan 2021/22-2024/25 integrates the strategic priorities of the Vision and Mission of the National University of Samoa. It has also drawn significantly on the remarkable experience and challenges of the ...
  • CountryWatch (CountryWatch Inc., San Francisco, California., 2011)
    Countrywatch has sold quality information products for over 10 years, which help our clients keep track of current political and economic trends in each of the established countries in the world. For the past five years ...
  • Ombudsman NHRI Samoa (Office of the Ombudsman National Human Rights Institution Samoa, 2021-06)
  • Sciusco, Lorena Ileana (2014)
  • Heard, Emma; Conway, Brooke; Auvaa, Leveti (2014-11-07)
    Final Report Template for the Research project Culture X: addressing barriers to physical activity in Samoa.

Saili Sadil


O a'u faʻamatalaga