The AGIS Articles is an alphabetical list of all the subject headings that are indexed on their Library collection. The Attorney General's library provide indexing service as well as abstracting services for some of its major collection items. Take for instance in the month of October 2013, there were abstracts on the following subjects: (i) Aboriginal legal service Changes to attitude and approach to Aboriginal people in the Northern Territory criminal justice system - development of distinct jurisprudence for trials of Aboriginal people -harsh and uneven treatment within criminal justice system until mid-20th century - Anunga Rules - establishment of Aboriginal legal aid agencies - interpreter service - conflict with customary law. (ii) Accidents Coverage of mental injury under the Accident Compensation Act - mental injury caused by physical injury, by a sexual offence and by a single traumatic event during course of employment - difficulties with existing coverage - potential changes to the Act. (III) Admissibility of Evidence Evidence of communications made at mediation - statutory exclusion from admission as evidence in proceedings - common law exceptions to the 'without prejudice' rule - Evidence Act exceptions - role for public interest or interests of justice in determining admissibility. (iv) Young Persons Associations between childhood maltreatment and youth offending - study to understand pathways of young people from out of home care becoming involved in the youth justice system - view and experiences of professionals on the suitability of systemic responses to offending behaviour in the population.