A woman’s sexual and reproductive health is core to her social and cultural identity and more importantly to her overall health. Her biological make-up contributes to her vulnerability to an array of health issues that are exacerbated through discrimination and violence. This document highlights the fact that women of Samoa are not immune to these vulnerabilities despite traditional and more recent efforts carried out by government, non-government organisations, church groups, and traditional women’s committees. It calls for more research to identify areas requiring greater support and to inform the strategies and programmed that need to be addressed by the Ministry and its partners both within and beyond the government sector. This is important to note as the dearth of literature on girls, aging women and women with disability to name a few, means the greater situation affecting women cannot be wholly reflected even in this strategy.
Despite the improvement of the status of women in Samoa in the areas of education and leadership, the poor state of their sexual and reproductive health and related violence provides a more honest and sobering portrayal that demands a national response that is both effective and resilient; hence this strategy. The attached Monitoring and Evaluation Framework is reflective of the ongoing work carried out by the Ministry of Women, Community & Social Development and the wider sector and will continually inform the Community Sector and Ministry’s Strategic Plans as they are reviewed. The framework follows the Ministry’s approach to improving the quality of life through sustainable community development. It highlights the need for a more pronounced and concerted effort behind the backdrop of sound family and community wellbeing and good governance at all levels. During the period of this strategy you will notice a greater national response towards improving women’s sexual and reproductive health as well as other key areas such as Women in Leadership, Violence against Women and Women and Education. There are many challenges however, including the few and dwindling numbers of non-government organizations dedicated solely to women’s issues and gender equality.
The greatest challenge of course, is that of changing mindsets. The process of developing and finalizing this strategy has taken a long time with considerable amount of time and effort by the Division for Women, Division for Research Policy and Planning and the national consultant – Mr. Andrew Peteru. Hence, I wish to acknowledge the persistence, patience of the team in seeing this through.