Report (Technical): Recent submissions

  • Unknown author (Meteorological Service, 2011)
    Across Fiji the annual average temperature is between 20-27°C. Changes in the temperature from season to season are relatively small and strongly tied to changes in the surrounding ocean temperature
  • Unknown author (Cook Islands Meteorological Service, 2011)
    Seasonal temperatures differ between the northern and southern Cook Islands. The Northern Cook Islands' (Northern Group) position so close to the equator results in fairly constant temperatures throughout the year, while ...
  • Abe, Yasuyo; Thomas, Vanora; Sinicrope, Castle; (Institute of Education Sciences (IES), 2012-12)
    Major federal education initiatives, including the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, have highlighted the importance of teacher quality in improving student achievement. The federal government has committed significant ...
  • INASP (International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications (INASP)., 2014-04)
  • Burger, Don; Mauricio, Rodrigo; Ryan, Jennifer (Pacific Resources for Education and Learning, 2007-06)
    Using various approaches to identify English language learners, several Pacific Region jurisdictions are developing English language proficiency standards and assessments aligned with those standards. Others are working ...
  • Kappenberger, Maria Ines (Honorary Consul of Chile in Samoa, 2014-11-06)
    This event was held for the first time in Samoa a cultural initiative by the Consular office of Chile in Samoa and several other contributing companies that help sponsored and hosted the film festival that ran for a week ...
  • JKUAT, Library Department (Jomokenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Juja, Kenya., 2016-06)
    This Library User guide is aimed at enlightening all categories of information seekers on how to Retrieve the required information from the Library. Users’ of a university library usually have specific information needs. ...
  • MCIL, OSH Division (MCIL, Samoa, 2017-11-07)
    Under the Samoan laws, the Occupational Safety and Health Act 2002, the Ministry of Communication, Industry and Labour (MCIL) is mandated to undertake the inspection of ministry or departmental premises and Office spaces. ...
  • Potoi, Leota Theresa (Samoa Law Reform Commission = Komisi o Toefuataiga o Tulafono a Samoa. Apia, 2013-05)
    In compliance with Section 9 (2) of the Law Reform Commission Act 2008, I have the honour to submit to you copies of the Report on examining the feasibility and appropriateness of setting up a National Heritage Board to ...
  • MESC ESSP Design Team (Ministry of Education, Sports and Culture, 2019-11)
    Samoa is a small Pacific country with a high reliance on a few sources of export income, including remittances and foreign grants. It is vulnerable to disasters and climate change. The population is a young one (over 60% ...
  • Pacific Region Education Laboratory (PREL) (Pacific Region Educational Lab., Honolulu, HI., 2005)
    The Remoteness and Access to Learning Opportunities in the Pacific Region Study was carried out to investigate whether access to learning opportunities (ALO) is related to the remoteness and isolation of many schools in ...
  • Vaai, Dr Sina; Heem, Amituana' i Vernetta; Taupi, Lafaitele Fualuga (National University of Samoa, 2021)
    The English and Foreign Languages (EFL) Department is one of three departments within the Faculty of Arts (FOA) at the National University of Samoa (NUS). It is still the largest department in the Faculty with 18 Faculty ...
  • SSD, Senior Lecturers (Faculty of Arts, National University of Samoa, 2014-04)
    The Social Science Department was formerly known as the Sociology / Geography and History department its last review was back in 2005. The SSD is now nine years old and is reviewed for the first time ever. The department ...
  • MOA Research Team; Peteru, Maiava Visekota (Mapusaga o Aiga Inc., 1996)
    The purpose of this research is to collect and utilise baseline data and to place our findings in the context of work previously done in Samoa and secondly within the Pacific region. Hopefully this research will spark off ...
  • Sciusco, Lori. (ed.).; Tunupopo, Nanai Avalogo Togi A. (ed.) (CSS and Library - National University of Samoa, 2015-10-07)
    The 2015 Latin American and Spanish Film Festival (LASFF) in Samoa was hosted by the National University of Samoa (NUS) in partnership with the Argentine Embassy of New Zealand. This was the second year in which the festival ...
  • Dodds, Felix. (ed.); Stakeholder Forum (Company no. 05243470. Registered in England and Wales. The Links, Herne Bay: UK., 2020-07-13)
    A summary of the ideas presented during the 13 July 2020 Stakeholder Forum 'Pop-up Side Event' webinar at the 2020 HLPF - 'Lessons from the Proposal for a Sustainable Development Council for the UN General Assembly (from ...
  • Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2020)
    This report describes a conceptual framework for monitoring overweight and obesity in Australia. At a national level, monitoring is important to understand the health of the population and the need for treatment and services. ...
  • Australia Council for the Arts (Australia Government, 2020)
  • United States Government Accountability Office, Washington, D.C. (U S Government - GAO; Washington, D.C., 2004-12)
    American Samoa, a U.S. territory, relies on federal funding to support government operations and deliver critical services. The Secretary of the Interior has administrative responsibility for coordinating federal policy ...
  • Anae, Airini Melani; Mila-Schaaf, Karlo; Coxon, Eve; (Ministry of Education, New Zealand, 2010)
    Development of Pacific research guidelines can become unnecessarily cluttered, with competing, unclear designs, and gaps in the transference of customary knowledge across space and time. Standard ethics discourse goes ...

Saili Sadil


O a'u faʻamatalaga